@inproceedings{489, author = {Nicholas Lowell}, title = {Model-based Software Design Tools for the Cell Processor}, abstract = {This paper introduces the larger features of the Cell Processor that allow this specialized hardware architecture to provide a significant amount of increased performance. Specialized configurations call for specialized programming in order to harness the available performance increase. Such high computation configurations are prime targets for signal processing applications. There exists a tool set for modeling the dataflow of a signal processing application. A major goal exists to allow for generation of code to be used on the Cell. The first step involves learning the required techniques for programming by way of porting an example application to the Cell. This paper shows the first steps of utilizing the multi-core architecture which yields a significant increase in performance with room for further improvement in the future.}, year = {2009}, journal = {ACMSE '09}, month = {03/2009}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {Clemson, SC, USA}, isbn = {1-58113-000-0}, }