@inproceedings{1133, author = {Namhoon Kim and Bryan Ward and Micaiah Chisholm and Cheng-Yang Fu and James Anderson and Donelson Smith}, title = {Attacking the One-Out-Of-m Multicore Problem by Combining Hardware Management with Mixed-Criticality Provisioning}, abstract = {The multicore revolution is having limited impact in safety-critical application domains. A key reason is the "one-out-of-m" problem: when validating real-time constraints on an m-core platform, excessive analysis pessimism can effectively negate the processing capacity of the additional m-1 cores so that only "one core s worth" of capacity is available. Two approaches have been investigated previously to address this problem: mixed-criticality allocation techniques, which provision less-critical software components less pessimistically, and hardware-management techniques, which make the underlying platform itself more predictable. A better way forward may be to combine both approaches, but to show this, fundamentally new criticality-cognizant hardware-management tradeoffs must be explored. Such tradeoffs are investigated herein in the context of a large-scale, overhead-aware schedulability study. This study was guided by extensive trace data obtained by executing benchmark tasks on a new variant of the MC^2 framework that supports configurable criticality-based hardware management. This study shows that the two approaches mentioned above can be much more effective when applied together instead of alone.}, year = {2016}, journal = {22nd IEEE Real-Time Embedded Technology & Application's Symposium}, pages = {1-12}, month = {04/2016}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, isbn = {978-1-4673-8641-8}, url = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7461323}, doi = {10.1109/RTAS.2016.7461323}, }