@article{333, keywords = {dissipative-systems, networked control, passive downsampler, passive upsampler, passivity, power-junction-network, scattering theory, wave-variables}, author = {Nicholas Kottenstette and Joseph Hall and Xenofon Koutsoukos and Panos Antsaklis and Janos Sztipanovits}, title = {Digital Control of Multiple Discrete Passive Plants Over Networks}, abstract = {This paper provides a passivity based framework to synthesize lm2-stable digital control networks in which m strictly-output passive controllers can control n−m strictly-output passive plants. The communication between the plants and controllers can tolerate time varying delay and data dropouts. In particular, we introduce a power-junction-network, a general class of input-output-wave-variable-network which allows even a single controller (typically designed to control a single plant) to accurately control the output of multiple plants even if the corresponding dynamics of each plant is different. In addition to the power-junction-network we also introduce a passive downsampler (PDS) and passive upsampler (PUS) in order to further reduce networking traffic while maintaining stability and tracking properties. A detailed (soft real-time) set of examples shows the tracking performance of the networked control system.}, year = {2011}, journal = {International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications (IJSCC)}, number = {Special Issue on Progress in Networked Control Systems}, note = {To Appear}, }