@inproceedings{469, author = {Joseph Porter and Peter Volgyesi and Nicholas Kottenstette and Harmon Nine and Gabor Karsai and Janos Sztipanovits}, title = {An Experimental Model-Based Rapid Prototyping Environment for High-Confidence Embedded Software}, abstract = {The development of embedded software for highconfidence systems is a challenging task that must be supported by a deep integration of control theoretical and computational aspects. Model-based development of embedded software has been practiced for more than a decade now, but very few integrated approaches have emerged to provide end-to-end support for the process, and integrate platform aspects as well as verification. The paper describes an early version of a model-based prototyping toolchain that provides such support and covers most engineering steps. The toolchain is coupled with a hardware-in-the-loop simulation system, allowing quick experimental evaluation of designs.}, year = {2009}, journal = {20th IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP'09)}, month = {06/2009}, address = {Paris, France}, }